Back to school time always reminds me of a fresh start. As a child I looked forward to new clothes, new school supplies, new teachers, new friends, and new experiences. And even though my years of being a student are long past, I still have that inner drive the end of every August to try to remake myself into a more positive, confident and organized me.
With that in mind, I wanted to share 25 ways to start the week strong. While you are welcome to try all 25, completing just a few of these tasks will set you up for a more successful week ahead.
If you have read my About page, you know the idea for Strong Beginning was born out of a desire to transform the weekend from a “weak end” to the previous week into a strong beginning for the coming week. The thought was “What can I do this weekend to make the week ahead go smoother and be more productive and fun?” Today’s post is aimed at exactly that question, so let’s get started!
1. Do laundry. Make sure you have all your favorite items ready for the week.
2. Look at the weather forecast. Even though forecasts change often, having an idea of what the temperatures should be will help you plan meals, outfits, and activities accordingly.
3. Meal plan. Make a list of dinner ideas for the week. Pull out recipes so they’re ready. Also jot down some lunch and breakfast ideas.
4. Grocery shop. Once you have a meal plan for the week, check your cupboards to see what you need, make your list, and head to the store. If you have your meals planned and the necessary food on hand, you won’t need to worry what to make on your way home from work and end up settling for a bag of popcorn or chips because there’s nothing else on hand. (Learn how to cut your grocery shopping time in half.)
5. Prep as many meals/snacks as you can. Try to do as much as you can during the weekend, so things will be easier during the week. Chop your veggies, pack snacks, make muffins or a batch of oatmeal that can just be reheated on busy mornings. More posts are coming soon on how to prep your dinners ahead of time for the week, so stay tuned.
6. Plan your outfits for the week. Think about what events you have coming up, and determine the best outfit for each day. If you’re anything like me, you might want to plan out a few extras for those mornings when nothing goes as planned.
7. Clean house. I never look forward to this task, but I love the result. If your house is tidy and everything is in its place, you can relax and focus on what needs to be done. It’s also easier to find what you need quickly when you need it. No looking for lost keys, your favorite travel mug, or those important papers when you’re running out the door in the morning.
8. Write your goals for the week. Take some time to think about what really matters this week. Consider all areas of your life: personal, physical, relationships, career, your overall purpose. Decide ahead of time what you want to work on and accomplish. If you don’t plan to work on it, it’s not likely to happen on accident.
9. Calendar your week. Make sure all of your events, activities, and appointments are on your calendar. Don’t forget to block out some time for yourself. Also block out chunks of time to work uninterrupted on the things you want to accomplish. (Here is info if you want to learn about family calendar meetings.)
10. Clear off the kitchen table. This gathering place collects a lot of left-behind items in most homes. Take a few minutes to place those items in the appropriate places, and create a clean welcoming place for your family to connect and eat together. It’s too easy sometimes, rather than clear off the table, to just eat in front of the tv or in separate rooms.
11. Make an exercise plan for the week. Decide what workouts you plan to do or classes you plan to attend at the gym. If you know what’s in store, you’re more likely to complete it. Whereas if you’re laying in bed trying to decide what workout to do that day, it might be easier to just hit the snooze than make a decision.
12. Prep for your workouts. Set out your workout clothes and shoes (or pack your gym bag) ahead of time. It is too easy to make excuses to not work out. Don’t let not being ready be one of them.
13. Catch up on social media. Social media can absorb a lot time each day. Consider blocking out a chunk of time on the weekend to catch up on everything, and then limit the time you allow it to consume each day. Sometimes it’s easier to put off if you know you have a time scheduled for it on the weekend.
14. Conquer your email. We all spend a lot of time sifting through email, determining what to read, what to throw away, and what to respond to. Set aside some time on Sunday to go through everything, so you can start fresh on Monday morning.
15. Clean off your desk. Take time to organize and clean off your work surface. It will be easier to accomplish things if you can sit down and get straight to work rather than telling yourself you need to get it all cleaned before you can start working. If you clean it on the weekend (and create designated places for all the items that accumulate there during the week), you should always have a space ready for productivity.
16. Pay bills. This one is never fun. Don’t put it off. Just take care of it and cross it off your list.
17. Relax and enjoy yourself. Take some time to decompress and create a peaceful mind before starting the week. This could be a bubble bath, time with a good book, crafting, or meditating. Whatever works for you. Let go of everything on your mind and prepare for a fresh start.
18. Improve one area. Take 15 minutes to clean and organize one little area: a drawer, your jewelry, your computer files, … Don’t feel like you need to totally reorganize; just work on improving one small space.
19. Fill up your gas tank. No one enjoys seeing their gas light come on during rush hour traffic. Avoid the stress and visit the gas station on the weekend.
20. Prioritize your to-do list. Put the thing you have been avoiding at the very top. Do it first and get it out of the way. See how empowering that feels! Prioritizing can help you make sure you focus on the important things, so you are not distracted by all the little things.
21. Freshen up. Light a few candles, replace an air freshener, or set out a diffuser. Coming home from work and walking into a room with a fresh new scent can do more than make you smile. “Scents can have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, sleep enhancement, self-confidence, and physical and cognitive performance.” (Psychology Today)
22. Set your morning alarm 5 minutes earlier. Those few extra minutes will give you a little bit of breathing room in the morning and help things run a little smoother. A rushed and hectic morning can cause an uneasy feeling all day. Give up half of a snooze to allow time in case you need to remedy a bad hair day or change a shirt with spilled coffee on it.
23. Make a “swiss cheese” list. Write down the numerous little tasks you’ve been wanting to accomplish but never seem to have or make time for, like changing a light bulb, sweeping the front porch, or writing a thank you note. When you find yourself with an extra 15 minutes in the evening, you can cross one of these items off your list. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Soon your entire to-do list will be full of holes (like swiss cheese).
24. Write a personal note to someone. If it is a family member or roommate, consider slipping it in their pocket or lunchbox or placing it in the medicine cabinet or on a carseat. You could even put it in the mail. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just something personal to say “Thank you” or “I’m thinking of you”. It always feels good to make someone else smile.
25. Schedule something fun for later in the week. This will give you something to look forward to. Consider it a personal reward for getting your work done earlier in the week. You deserve it!
I hope trying a few items on this list will help you start the week strong. It does take up part of your weekend, but it pays dividends all week long.
Let me know in the comments section below which items were helpful for you and allowed you to transform your weak end into a strong beginning.
This is a fantastic list! I regularly light scented candles. I find it both relaxing and uplifting. I like your idea of dedicating 15 minutes toward improving an area in the home. I think I’ll work that idea into my weekends.
Thanks for your kind words. Good luck improving a small area this weekend; I think you’ll be surprised by what you can accomplish in a short amount of time. Let me know how it goes!