Raise your hand if you love change. Hmmm. I don’t see many hands in the air. I guess I am not alone. We have been talking in the last few posts about change, how it is often difficult, but it can also be rewarding at times. This quote combines both of those aspects of change with the idea of letting go.
When I think about change, it usually involves stepping outside my comfort zone and letting go of the sense of safety and stability it provides. I don’t know about you, but that normally scares me and causes butterflies to go crazy in my stomach. That is why, when given the option, I often choose to remain firmly inside my comfy comfort zone.
However, this quote reminds me that when I am busy holding onto the things I have and the way things are, I am not available to accept better things when they come my way.
As I thought more about this, I tried to identify what makes change so frightening. I think it all comes down to the fact that change involves the unknown.
The future is unpredictable. No matter how mundane, disappointing, or irritating our current situation can be at times, at least we know what to expect. We have survived it thus far, and we have little doubt we can continue to navigate what comes our way.
This is closely related to the previous reason, but this refers to doubting ourselves as opposed to doubting the future. We worry if we will be able to adapt and adjust to the changes. It is kind of a “fight or flight” attitude, and we aren’t sure if we are prepared to fight, so we prefer to run away from the thought of change.
Often times we fear that if we change, the people in our lives might not accept the changes and move forward with us. It is a valid concern. However, our true friends and supporters will always stick with us. Those who do not were not true friends to begin with. Similarly, we fear how people will react if we leave them behind as we move on. But sometimes there are people in our lives holding us back, and we need to let them go so we can move on.
Once we identify where our fears stem from, we can begin to deal with them appropriately.
The next step is figure out how to let go of those fears and move on.
Look at what you have, what you’ve done, and who you’ve become. Give thanks for the sum of all your experiences thus far. They have prepared you to take the next step.
Think about all the changes you’ve successfully navigated up to this point. It is likely you have survived school, learned to drive, figured out how to cook (well enough to survive, even if it’s not sophisticated), experienced a variety of relationships, and maybe even chosen a profession (or two). Odds are you experienced some bumps and bruises along the way, but you learned how to adapt. You survived change before. Be confident you can do it again.
Believe, in your heart and your mind, that there is more to life than what you have now. There are still things to learn, to experience, to become. It is easier to let go when you acknowledge the mere possibility of better things out there waiting for you, even if you don’t know what they are.
If you are faced with a potential change, accept the challenge; it was placed before you for a reason. Take a deep breath, hold your head high, and take a step forward. Even if it is a baby step, you are moving in the right direction. While you can look back at your past, life can only be lived in one direction, and that is forward. So start with one step, then follow it with another and another. You can do it!
My wish for each of you is hope and courage. The hope of something better, and the courage to let go of whatever you’re holding onto, so you can embrace change when it comes your way.
If you want to download and/or print a copy of this quote, click here or on the picture above.
What are you holding onto? What is one step you can take to let it go and move forward?
We made a change this week by sending a teen off to college.
We are still adjusting!!!
It has been one night.
I am facing the change that we will be cooking for only three!
I know I can do it!
Have a great weekend!!!
It is difficult to let go of a family member and let them spread their wings. I imagine it will take time to adjust. Just remember that by letting go, you are opening up yourself and your teen to experience even better things. I hope you let me know about the positive changes that occur.