It is only mid-July, but due to an unusually warm, dry summer, most of the grass has already turned brown. I am missing the lush green grass we used to see until the end of summer. As I was wishing for that vibrant green grass to return, I was reminded of this quote by Neil Barringham, “The grass is greener where you water it.”
We are all familiar with the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side,” implying we often wish for what we don’t have. Everyone else seems to have it easier and better. The Jones’ next door have a bigger house, nicer car, more money, more time, and the list goes on. In reality, we know that is not the case, but we still find ourselves believing it.
This quote, however, reminds us that the grass is greener, i.e. healthier and more cared for, where it is watered. When a person plants new grass, they often put up a small fence around it to protect it, they fertilize it and water it; they tend to it daily, often multiple times a day.
What would happen if we gave that same attention to the things that are truly important to us? We are often too busy with the urgent items (cleaning the house, closing one more deal at work, talking/texting on the phone, responding to emails, etc.), in turn forfeiting time for the important things (family, friends, faith, hobbies, and the like). It is no wonder that we find ourselves trudging through another work day, wishing it were Friday already. When we spend our days this way, the life in us dies little by little, and we become like the dry, brittle, brown grass. We are lifeless. We are just there. Dead, but there.
However, if we take time for what really matters, when we make those important people and things priorities each day, we will be happier, healthier, greener. So go ahead, MAKE time every day for the things that matter most. Tend to them morning, noon and night, EVERY single day. Build a fence around them to protect them from being squeezed out by all the other “things”.
Before you go to bed tonight, make a list of the most important people and things in your life. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, even a post-it note will do. Put the list where you will see it often as a reminder to “water your grass”. Take care of what matters most, and you will find your heart fuller, your face happier, and your soul more content. Take the time to water YOUR world, and you will see your life blossom and grow. Enjoy it.
You can click the picture above or The Grass Is Greener to download your own copy of this poster to serve as another reminder.
I treasure my family, my dogs, my health, being creative, and making my house a welcoming home. What are the things that matter most to you?
Thanks for the reminder. I Choose ME!!
Congratulations on daily choosing yourself. Your website has helped inspire me to do the same. Thank you.
My List: